We have a new therapist at Be BOLD Psychology and Consulting offering telehealth therapy services in North Carolina. Mary offers therapy for adults of all ages and therapy for couples and family therapy for adult who are currently living in North Carolina. Mary especially loves working with adult mothers and daughters in family therapy.
Mary has immediate openings for therapy clients in Charlotte, Asheville, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Raleigh, Apex, Cary, Durham, and everywhere in between! We offer free 20-minute consults which can be self-scheduled here!
Who is Mary Caldwell-Pineda? Here are a few fun facts to get to know our newest provider!
Born: April 16,1946, Manitowoc, WI
Favorite Color: Hard one but if I have to choose it is RED
Things I enjoy: Going on Adventures, reading, collecting folk art, cooking for family and friends, baking with my granddaughter. I am a “sometimes” gardener. Currently working on stories from my childhood to give to my daughters. I am a beginner painter with much to learn and to practice!
Favorite Food: I am curious about foods from all cultures; I am willing to try anything. The oddest thing I have eaten was pickled pig’s ears while in Spain. Yet, a delicious rib-eye will never be turned down!
Clients I Work Best With: After nearly 40 years of practice, I learned that generally people who seek therapy are courageous. It isn’t easy to ask for help. They are willing to put in the work to heal hurts and to discover their best selves. Generally, I like to work with adults, individuals, couples (romantic, friends, marital, mother/daughter) and families-all going through life transitions but I think I work best with adults 40+ years of age. I offer affirming and safer spaces for queer, transgender, nonbinary, and gender-diverse clients and am trauma-informed. If you think we may be a good match, please schedule a free 20-minute consult. I would love to meet you!
In her own words:
I help people whose “go to” ways of managing life’s challenges are not working any longer. Life can be hard; you don’t have to face the difficulties by yourself. I work with people who are at a mental health crossroad where feeling “wrong” can change to feeling strong. We can find answers, develop skills on the way to self-acceptance and peace. You can feel vitality again. My way of working is to provide a private, safe place where your fears are heard and new strengths can be found. I offer a healing presence and a collaborative relationship where nonjudgement and an open mind can be expected. I want to understand what your world means to you. We can work together to find your new way forward. You are an expert on yourself!
My big three therapeutic focus areas include:
- ANXIETY can paralyze us with fear and worry, setting off reactions of fleeing, fighting, freezing or fawning. Sometimes it provokes physical symptoms. But there is good news: we can learn to befriend anxiety, harness it. We know that changing our thoughts can lead to changes in behavior and emotion. “Knowledge is power; action is change.”
- LIFE CHANGES/TRANSITION can bring both pain and joy. Moving from one stage to another is usually manageable but sometimes we get stuck. I call this “hope meets reality.” A life stage transition or another type of change can present an expected dilemma. But when we don’t know how to proceed it is useful to seek some help. I use a variety of approaches to find the best way forward – to examine the challenges, to resolve stumbling blocks, and build resiliency to face the next test life brings.
- GRIEF AND LOSS manifest by greater or lesser degrees but each is important: Bereavement, aging, chronic illness, non-acceptance, abuse, and trauma all have aspects of grief and loss. Grief can’t be cured but it can be healed. My approach is primarily talk therapy with companion behavioral techniques and tools. Life can be faced again as emotional strength returns and compassion develops.
I use an eclectic, holistic approach that supports Psychodynamic and Marriage/Family therapies, behavioral tools and techniques.
Accepting new clients? Yes, Mary is currently accepting new individual therapy consultations and m
Availability: Tuesdays and Thursdays: 11am-3pm and 4pm-6pm
Telehealth vs. in-Person: Mary is offering telehealth services for clients physically located in North Carolina.
Specialty areas: anxiety, depression, grief/loss, trauma, life transitions, aging,
mother/daughter/women, holistic health integrating body, mind and spirit.
Email: mary@beboldpsychnc.com to schedule your free consultation or request an appointment here.
As a reminder, our therapy practice specializes in providing affirming therapy for transgender, non-binary, and gender-diverse clients as well as therapy for the broader queer+ community! Our queer-identified and LGBTQIA-allied clinicians offer individual therapy, family therapy, couples therapy, relationship therapy, and group therapy services for LGB+ and transgender, non-binary, and gender-diverse clients. To learn more about our LGBT-affirming services, send an email to info@beboldpsychnc.com