You went to the doctor’s office looking for answers to your ongoing pain and discomfort, and you’ve been told that there is no known cure to your condition. Living with chronic pain is hard to accept. The doctor has suggested some steps you can take, but you still have many questions and concerns. If you have been recently diagnosed with a chronic pain condition, Be BOLD Psychology & Consulting offers some advice to reduce pain and live your best life moving forward.

The Paradox of Pain Medication

The most obvious answer to your condition might be to incorporate medication. Painkillers are oftentimes offered as a part of treatment, limiting pain reception in your brain, and limiting your discomfort. As straightforward as this may sound, dealing with pain is hardly this easy, and as you continue to take medication for a prolonged period, complications may occur.

Pain medication only helps to keep the mind from processing pain, making it numb toward stimuli for a brief period. The problem, as Harvard Medical School points out, is that the more you rely on pain medication, the less effective it becomes over time. Your body builds tolerance and will become immune to its effects, which can lead to your body requiring higher and higher dosages.

It is much easier to stay ahead of pain than to catch up with it. For folks who forget to refill, decide to take a break from medication management, or even as your medication begins to wear off, the pain the medication(s) have been working to hold back returns with great intensity. This vicious cycle is why millions of adults suffer from addiction to painkillers, as their lives become entirely dependent on this medication. While depending on your pain medication may initially seem to be a stream-lined, straight-forward solution, it certainly isn’t sustainable. Therefore, it is important to utilize a holistic approach in managing your chronic pain.

The Power of Natural Healing

When faced with an enormous problem, it usually takes more than one approach to find the best answer. The same goes for managing your chronic pain. In addition to medication management, you will need to have a complete arsenal of natural solutions at your disposal. Meditation, changing your diet, joining a support group, learning distraction techniques, and engaging in therapeutic strategies with a therapist trained in the treatment of chronic pain are just a few ideas to consider.

Additionally, to manage your pain naturally, you need to understand how your pain works. What triggers pain can vary from person to person. The better you understand your triggers, the easier it becomes to predict and potentially get ahead of your pain. Match this approach with a combination of other management strategies, and you will begin to notice an improvement to your condition over time.

Change Your Lifestyle

Although it will not change the sense of unfairness and challenge of managing chronic pain, there are some lifestyle changes one can implement to lessen that challenge and u take more control over your chronic pain. You may notice that eating certain foods will limit your discomfort and give you sustenance to face any bouts of pain you experience throughout the day. Try different exercises and work them into your daily routine. They might be difficult at first, but soon you will notice that your body is stronger, and the pain feels less oppressive, as your body can handle flare-ups. Make sure to check in with your doctor about what types of stretches, exercises, and workouts are approved for folks with whichever condition you’re managing. It is important to listen to and respect our bodies signals.

It can help to feel more in control and more grounded if your home environment feels clean, and it may also be helpful to remove any potential irritants or allergens from the air. This might include engaging in a semi-regular tidying routine (or, if you do not feel able at any given time, perhaps consider hiring professionals to do this task for you, which can cost around $16 per hour per It may also be important to replace your HVAC filters on a regular basis.

The more approaches you take when dealing with your chronic pain, the more likely you will find the solutions that are right for you. Don’t be afraid to try a new diet, or consider enrolling in a yoga class, so long as your doctor approves! Your condition may be chronic, but it doesn’t mean it has to control your life. Additionally, working with a mental health professional can also assist you with other strategies to incorporate (i.e., improving pain/distress tolerance) to help move the healing process back into your own hands and reclaim the life you want to live.

Are you ready to be BOLD in your journey to live your most authentic life? Providers at Be BOLD Psychology & Consulting helps you confront past trauma(s), learn to manage chronic pain and illness, cope with stress/anxiety, and be BOLD enough to face your addictions head on. Reach out to us today and ask about our FREE 20-minute consultation! Text 919-300-5221or email!

  1. […] If you’re the type of person who prefers to ignore problems and difficult emotions, you might be worsening symptoms of anxiety and depression unintentionally. Take steps to face your problems, even if this means reaching out for help. There are many fantastic organizations out there, like Be BOLD Psychology and Consulting, that offer inclusive mental health services for members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Talking to a professional can help with everything from depression and anxiety, to gender identity exploration and finding gender-affirming medical providers for medical procedures, managing stress in personal and work relationships, and managing to chronic pain! […]

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